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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

St. Augustine redux?

Yesterday, President-elect Obama visited Capitol Hill to pitch ideas for his proposed economic stimulus bill which will involve tax credits and much, much, spending.

Since, when it comes to spending, Congress's behavior resembles nothing so much as that of an out of control heroin addict, most of this is likely to become a never ending burden on the taxpayer. Many programs are created but few are ever ended.

While Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, did say that a commitment to reducing future deficits is critical, urgency is hard to find. Perhaps all Senators and Representatives should be forced to carry signs displaying a slightly modified version of St. Augustine's most notorious prayer:

" God, [at least when it comes to government spending,] give me chastity and continence, but not yet."

Enough said.

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