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Monday, July 4, 2011

Two Hundred and Thirty Five Years Ago...

... Congress approved the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies.

As our great nation, although far from insolvent but cursed with politicians who lack both courage and the ability to lead and who seem to prefer posturing and self-advancement to serious work, faces the possibility of defaulting on its debts, it is well that we consider the commitments made by those who signed that iconic document.

All of them knew that they were liable, if captured, to be tried for treason, hanged and their assets confiscated. They did not act selfishly or seek preferment nor did they shrink from the task, stating in the last sentence:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

For those who do not have their copy of the Declaration close at hand, here is a link to the National Archives.


Unknown said...

The only way to begin to emulate the signers virtue is to limit terms for Ferderal offices. Twelve years total for House, Senate and Presidency and then back to the real world. Our economy is tied to poltical cycles from which nothing but short term solutions arise. Whether Democrat or Republican, career politician have one overiding objective every waking day of their lives--What do I do today to get reelected? What do taxpayers get? Short term solutions that do nothing but prolong long term problems.
Let's have a Twitter, Facebook referendum for 12 year Federal Term Limits.

Hugh Elliot said...

We, The People, have the right to refrain from re-electing those whose performance is inadequate. We should.

Equally, we should re-elect those whose performance is above average.

Term limits are superficially attractive but do not solve the problem. The problem is that the People fail to hold their representatives to account.