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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Recess

The Congress of the United States is planning a two week recess - beginning at the end of this week - for the laughably named 'Easter District Work Period'. The good news is that they will not be in session to cause more problems.

In practice, the Congress takes a vacation (District Work Period for those who can keep a straight face) for all of the major Christian Holidays and some of the Jewish ones. Give the wording of the First Amendment 'Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion', it would be appropriate if the Congress were to refrain from discrimination against other religions commonly practiced in the United States - Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam etc. - and recess for all of their major Holidays.

If they would act in such a manner, one of our nation's great problems, so aptly summarized by Mark Twain, would be much reduced:

"No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session."

It would also be fun to observe these overfed and self indulgent politicians trying to make it through the dawn to dusk fast required during Ramadan.

Enough said!


Clark Chapin said...

When I was a powerless minion of the fascist educational establishment, we called it "Spring Break". If our Jewish friends called it "Post-Passover Break" we didn't object because we were all partying together.
But that was then and this is now, as they say.

Unknown said...

Just read an article stating new research concerning where in men's brains they perceive women's voice, and where they perceive men's. And apparently because of the broader range of pitch in our delivery, we are tucked in there with music, while men are in with the information sections. I don't believe they explored women's brains for the same information.

You're right about the basic unpleasantness of being talked 'at'. Regardless of gender, the voice is delivered from the back of the throat and when the diaphragm isn't trained properly, the strain is exacerbated and then heard as squandered (or desperate) effort. That's never a good thing for anyone aspiring to a management position.

FYI: I've learned to hold the mic about 6" away from my mouth (not the usual 4"), aim my pitch lower, talk slower and most important, talk like I'm whispering into an elderly relative's ear. Which means with clear diction in a warm tone, diaphragm working overtime like a well-squeezed accordian's bellows. It's an easy enough skill to learn. But as long as folks will wear ugly generic clothing when they campaign, they'll also ignore the more lasting impression of a sweet but potent voice.

None of this explains why Perot or the Shrub, with their particularly vile voices, got anywhere in the public sphere. Neither of those skinny-lipped left-overs is even vaguely masculine in the voice department and I should think would have been heard in the musical sphere.

If you get to a Sedar tonight or tomorrow, remember that after all that matzah, prunes are your best friend.
Happy Spring,