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Friday, September 25, 2009

American Socialism (1)

One of the results of the debate over reform of our dysfunctional health care system (more on that another time) is that there are many people shouting about President Obama's evil plans to turn America into a socialist society.

America already is a socialist society.

For those who would challenge that statement consider the number of government programs that simply involve transfers of cash from one group to another (farm subsidies for one) or services (such as K - 12 education) where government employees have an almost total monopoly.

A large number of the most vocal people are over the age of 65. If their actions were consistent with their expressed views, there should be long lines of older people queuing up to return their Social Security checks and to resign from the Medicare program.

I don't see that happening anytime soon and can only conclude that, as usual, hypocrisy rules.

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